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dimanche 21 novembre 2010

Wilhelm Reich

To me, Wilhelm Reich made without contest 2 important discoveries : the real function of orgasm, and the negative entropy of life energy (ancient cultures called "prana", "chi", "mana"...etc ;  scientists called it "ether").
Reich, on contrary of Anton Messmer, for exemple, (who used life energy to heal his patients and called it "animal magnetism", but who tried his whole life to prove scientifically its existence and always failed), Reich, I said, succeded where  messmer failed.
Nevertheless, for mainstream science, "Reich was a brilliant psychanalyst, Freud's student, but who became completly crazy and paranoïd in believing to have found a new energy he called orgone".
Is it true! Nope! Reich, to me, really  became crazy! But it was not in saying he had discovered a new energy he really did! it was many years after, when he wanted to "purify" nuclear matter by his oranur experiment, and when he believed there was two kinds of energy : "the good one" : orgone and the "bad one", the DOR.